2015-06-29 0-27-01-
clean responsible man hi looking single f beautiful girls Delaware City Delaware or a few months and want get started on dating again. I m searching for a long term rapport. i currently performjobs, and havent had the moment to go out but i'll find the time to your right women. Im only being employedjobs for three months or more to catch standing on some bills, website will have more of their time to spend through my women. Im searching for a responsible Women the fact that knows what your lady wants and has your goals in the life. I want to go out and also drink occasionally with friends. im athletic and stay who is fit but not jacked " up " like some freakshow. I'm keen any outdoor exercises, snowboarding, hiking outdoor, fishing,wheelers, and so. im finishihing this college education with my own space. Be between a ages of x-x. if u care more about all of us just ask. not to mention send a photo. and i is going to sendto come back. peace.