2011-02-18 17-04-57
this video I am making Ok, so I have a friend that I have been teaching dominance to and using videos as a teaching aid. Then I got the idea to make a really cool video on the subject (femdom, specifiy cock milking). me nutty but I am splicing numerous sex videos into one single one, editing the audio, doing all sorts of crazy stuff. The final video will be about 10 minutes and probably 120MB. A fo members has a site where they will let me upload the whole thing. In the meantime I just rendered the intro which is about 3MB and only lasts a minute or so. I have had some problem with my video drivers so I would like to confirm someone else can watch it. I'll email you the intro if you want to see it and confirm it's viewable. Thanks and for the record this is not a commercial interest, it's pure pervyness on my part.