2013-03-04 10-07-21
well crap Sheesh, why is it that posts here always seem to hit so close to home.... Angry minxy sex was due to former SO(?) being an idiot and worrying that later in life I will be like my mother (whom I never really knew) or like my grandmother (who is Bipolar). It seems that coming from a dysfunctional family is a death sentence for relationships. I'm fucked because there is no such thing as free will, [he thinks everyone becomes just like their parents no matter how hard they try not to be]. So this means that because I wasn't nurtured, I will not be capable of nurturing!?! I asked "are you afraid that I will be irresponsible with money? he said "No" (he laughed and said if anything, he would be) "Are you afraid that I will be a bad mother?" No, you're wonderful "Is the sex we have okay?" Are you worried about that? No, that never even occured to me. So my upbringing (lack of one) and family (also a lack of) is the fucking deal breaker. I haven't done anything wrong but someday, I *might*. WTF? I pounced on him and told him thatday he would be very sorry for that conversation and that his concerns would be something to talk about with a professional... *Sighs* during said conversation, he had the nerve to tell me that I'm beautiful when I cry (I tried not to, and I was silent when I did), *throws hands in air* Men. [end of minxy rant] now Is kink genetic? I don't think that it is. Defining kink in itself is tricky, so it would be a difficult theory to prove or disprove. It would certainly be an interesting study though.