2012-05-10 1-43-38-
If I did pedicures, I might try it... but I put a lot of mileage on my tootsies, and they only get the occasional pampering (oy! My sister likes to get us joint pedicures for the holidays, and then I watch that poor, neglected nail polish slowly wear off for the next month or so...Sorry, that may be TMI, but I'm not a foot person). There seem to be so many theraputic/symbiotic treatments out there that are certainly gross-out-able, but if I needed them, I'd try them...bee sting tx for MS and diabetes - the last time I was stung by a bee (although I screamed like a star in a teen horror flick), I felt endorphins for days, maggot treatments (I've seen that work in pets), leeches...there's lots more. Although I draw the line at bloodletting.