2012-12-24 7-31-19-
Piece of art union This can be a crazy project only ideal for the adventurous woman x or over. I married women wanting sex Carter Lake like to paint women after which photograph them using the paint applied. I'm good at this and have done it many times before. If you need to apply to be considered a model for myself to paint with, send an introduction along with a snapshot or x, which you can take with your camera if you don't have any shots helpful. I don't have to see you nude, but I would prefer to see your face. Describe why you'd be a good fit with this project. What I really want to do is more crazy, however. I want to paint you and paint a man, and then perhaps you havepose collectively. Fine quality artistic shots is going to be captured showing the actual intimate union between your respective sex parts. With the shower of color in the paint, this normally pornographic subject material is transformed within captivating art. Your face does not need to appear in the pictures, for privateness. I don't even have to know your real title, though I do have to peek at your ID to be certain you're at smallest x. You can insure your name whenever you show it to me if you do not want me to know your full label. You need to become comfortable with my touching you to paint you. You have to be comfortable with the strange man placing into you and moving to stay firm. You must have enthusiasm for this unique project, since it's unpaid. I'll take a number of you without the guy if you want, for you to put on your laptop computer, but that will be a separate thing following the main shoot. If you don't have a laptop, you are able to bring a CD ROM or memory stay with you. I am a great photographer that can make you feel cozy and safe. You might bring a girlfriend towards the shoot. Professional lighting and camera. This is really a serious project, and I am searching for enthusiastic and thoughtful subjects who can appreciate that art are available even here, where it all begins for the majority of us. Put 'I like paintings' inside your subject line and so i know you are a person and not much of a computer! Tell me why you want to do such a crazy hands on project. Even though this really is unpaid, I expect to get more thancapable reply, so please convince me to pick you. That means I need to see more than a single sentence in the reply. Shoot is in SF throughout the day, or potentially within the early evening. Thanks.