2015-06-28 10-31-39
"LTR",.... "Dating",... Biochemistry.... hhhhmmmmm I would wish to f discreet love quotes in Fort Bragg California ind someone that we could have "Chemistry With" For relationship and hopefully an important "LTR"\ I am a very good Looking Man, x'x", weight, Blue eyes, Brwn tresses w/t a stint associated with gray, a several "Tat's" and a great sence of humor, and funny. I would choose to find someone around and during my area that wants the same principle!! Please, only reply but if your "REAL" and Severe!! No Bots, Boozers, Druggies, Losers, Bettors, Abusers, Users, For example...... "Note" I do not join, or head over to another site to speak with you, see ones own picture, Etc...... "Thanks"!!