2011-08-28 7-43-00-
an individual night good time I am buying a different kind of relationship. For a start, I am a ce mature sex chat North Port libate customer. This is a lifestyle that is new to me, but I felt that it is improve any chance of my family having a meaningful relationship from now on. I'm not saying that a relationship with intercourse are not meaningful, but I just think I would try something new. In addition to meeting a person who can tolerate this, I would really prefer someone with other similar interests of my personal. Such as cooking, eating through, enjoying good wine and beverage, into music, art in general, organic and local agriculture. You no doubt know... the typical Asheville faux-hippy... or simply a real hippy would be okay too: -) I would also prefer someone between ages of x-x, but My organization is flexible. If this sounds good, pls send me you betting including age, height, occupation, hobbies/interest and so much other good stuff. Pls send images as well. No pic = certainly no reply. Gotta make sure you're real. I'll return the favor. I hope to hear through you soon... whoever you are: -) .