2012-02-01 14-11-44
Gypsies, tramps, and thieves! Good question And of course it depends so much on your age, where you grew up, and how your friends use the words. For me (x, grew up all over the place)... I now have definitions for "slut," with the second being too_cute's, but that is just a kinkfo definition--I mean, when I see it used here, with these people, I assume it's meant like that. Where it hits me first, though, it means "someone who has sex indiscriminately," and is therefore not a compliment, and not how I see myself. I'm definitely comfortable with my sexuality and enjoy it without shame, and will hop into bed rather quickly with the right person--but there aren't very many right people. "Whore" is similar, though I'm aware of the historical at least implication of money exchanged--could be cash like with a prostitute, or exchanging sex for gifts and dinners. So sex for favors, not sex for emotions or sex for physical pleasure. Not a word I'd ever expect to have applied to me. "Cunt" is a part of the body, but also a derogatory term for a woman that's stronger than "bitch." It doesn't seem sexual to me at all when used that way. That's a more British/Australian use of the word, and that's where I hear it most (just in my circle of acquaintances). Like ing a guy an "asshole."